get conveniently sick 意味

  • 仮病を使う


        get sick:    病気になる、発病{はつびょう}する、具合{ぐあい}[気分{きぶん}]が悪くなる、(悪い食べ物に)あたる、嫌になる、嫌気がさす
        get sick of:    ~にうんざりする I get sick of hearing those loud sound trucks at election time.
        conveniently:    {副} : 好都合なことに、都合良く、便利に、都合の良いことには、タイミングよく◆【結び付く動詞?形容詞(頻度順)】forgot, located, lets, forgotten, filed, wrong, went, washed, unattached, stops, split, retitled, ran, provided, packaged You conveniently d
        easily get sick:    病気{びょうき}になりやすい
        get a week's sick leave:    1週間{しゅうかん}の病気休暇{びょうき きゅうか}を取る
        get car sick:    車に酔う
        get heartily sick of:    心から嫌になる
        get quite sick of:    つくづく嫌になる
        get sick a lot:    よく病気にかかる
        get sick and tired of:    ~にうんざり[飽き飽き]する
        get sick and unable to work:    病気{びょうき}で倒れる
        get sick from drinking:    悪酔いする
        get sick from exhaustion:    疲労で倒れる
        get sick from the heat:    暑さにあたる
        get sick leave:    病欠{びょうけつ}を取る


  1. "get control of one's bad temper" 意味
  2. "get control of one's stress" 意味
  3. "get control of oneself" 意味
  4. "get control of this country back in the hands of the people" 意味
  5. "get control over" 意味
  6. "get converted" 意味
  7. "get converted to" 意味
  8. "get cooking well" 意味
  9. "get cool" 意味
  10. "get control of this country back in the hands of the people" 意味
  11. "get control over" 意味
  12. "get converted" 意味
  13. "get converted to" 意味

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